TRUTH. All throughout the Bible we're instructed to seek the truth. The problem is, organized religion tends to ignore truths. It's almost like they're scared to death that at some point, they're going to have to admit they were wrong about some things.
Take Jesus for example. I knew when I was 5 that Jesus was a lowly wood carpenter. Later on, I realized Jesus lived in a place where everything was made from stone, and was mostly devoid of trees. The only references actually made to his profession are the 2 times he's referred to as a tekton. We assumed the translation "carpenter" from that word, but truly, it means "one who works with his hands" and was commonly used to refer to stonemasons. So was Jesus a carpenter? Probably not. Yet the church is still teaching kids every day something we now know is likely not the truth.
Why? Well, I think it has something to do with the church rejecting science and research. I've heard an elder say once that, "Science was brought to this earth by Satan to try to debunk the Bible and break your faith." Does no one stop to think that maybe we got it wrong? The translations are off? I'm bothered by the fact that I see so many people I feel are worshipping that book, and not the God behind it, Yahweh. If you want to get your head bitten off in a hurry, tell a congregation you don't think the Bible is perfect. But really, think about it, "divine inspiration" or not, everything put into the hands of man is desecrated. We screw it up every time. Look at what we did to His Son. Would we truly keep a book more sacred than we did the Son? We could overcome so many hurdles if we just stopped looking arrogant and admitted that the book is tainted. It was probably twisted to suit the desires of those in power many times over. We've lost the true origin. Maybe we were given science and research to get it back. We don't have to guess at everything anymore, He's given us a way to find the answers, and we've rejected Him.
So the church will continue to teach our children that Jesus was born in a barn in the snow (in a place where there aren't barns and it doesn't snow). They will continue to ascertain that the world is only 5,000 years old. They will grow up thinking there were 3 wisemen there when Jesus was born. Yes, definitely 3. They'll always think Adam and Eve ate an apple. They'll be certain that Noah only took two of every animal. We will reject evolution, because there's not way He could have made man look different than we do now. Those six days it took to make the earth and the day of rest were definitely seven 24-hour days. You can't argue with the Bible.
I've always heard a lot of "The Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says....". What I don't hear is "Yahweh says..." or "Yahweh is showing us...". The Bible is a wonderful book, it's an amazing source of reference, valuable life lessons and words of wisdom. But be honest, it's already been "fixed" multiple times because we didn't get it quite right. That book is not a God, and religious tradition interferes with spiritual conviction.
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